Awareness raising in Alsace of the necessity of preserving the European Hamster (C4)


This action, through general public awareness-raising, (inhabitants of Alsace and in particular those who live in regions concerned by this project), aims to raise the importance of preserving the European Hamster, to improve its image and create a capital of empathy for this animal.

This innovative operation aims at the “facilitation stake holding persons in the implementation of this project” and has several goals:

  • making the issue of the European Hamster known and improving its image so that the general public no longer has a negative image of it and consequently buys into this project;
  • having the general public log on to the internet project site by attracting it with an educational video game and a smartphone app so it will learn whilst having fun and “adopt” the European Hamster.


In charge of the action: GEPMA

Read the news in connection with this action