Shared communication and transmission tools of the results of the ALISTER Project (E6)


The LIFE ALISTER Project targets different publics, various stakeholders and concerns several partners. It thus is indispensable to have coherent messages and communication actions in every message during the entire life of the ALISTER project. This coherency guarantees the effectiveness of our communication, installs the image linked to the European Hamster as well as compliance with communication obligations linked to financing of the LIFE project.

The global communication strategy is a four-pronged one:

1. A multi-lingual internet site;

2. A shared tool box: mascot, logo, presentation kit, advertising gadgets, etc.

3. Key events in the project: launch and closing of the LIFE ALISTER Project;

4. A report for the general public.


In charge of the action: Région Alsace (Alsace Region)

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