29 mai 2017The GEPMA is preparing a new game for its summer events!
The “Snakes and Ladders” game, European Hamster version, with a 2 metre by 2 metre platform that little kids will be able to walk on! The goal of this new method of awareness-raising for children is to allow them to have fun, whilst understanding the European Hamster theme at home in Alsace. GEPMA’s experience in this field is tried and trusted, and its game “A European Hamster in Alsace” both as a board game or a video game , is still very successful.
This time the aim of the game will be being the first one to begin hibernation… a European Hamster’s life is not an easy one at all!
Model of the 2m x 2m game platform
If you’d like to host GEPMA’s European Hamster events in your town or school, please contact: